
Unleashing Real-Time Experiences, Everywhere, Every Moment

mediartc about realtime streaming

At MediaRTC , we're passionate about delivering real-time content, offering innovative solutions at the forefront of the industry. Utilizing our proprietary infrastructure, we specialize in providing large-scale, instantaneous broadcasting through our WebRTC-based real-time CDN solution.

Our technology ensures true real-time video streaming to millions of simultaneous viewers globally, eliminating the need for specialized plugins or protocols and maintaining uninterrupted access with less than 500 milliseconds of latency across the globe.

MediaRTC's solution stands out for its speed, simplicity, and scalability, consistently evolving to meet the goal of delivering content rapidly to your target audience.

Partner with us to eliminate obstacles in real-time content delivery crucial for your website, exceeding the expectations of your viewers.

Experience a seamless real-time content service with us, where speed and quality are our top priorities.

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